Account Strikes
Accounts can receive strikes if an overlay or scene that they post is deemed as "inappropriate" or "unfit" to be on the Plaza, this includes anything that contains nudity, racism, sexism, homophobia, and so on. When you post any content to the Plaza you agree that Pixel Chat has full discretion to remove the posted content at any time for any reason. If you do end up getting a piece of content removed, we will send you an email detailing why it was removed, and also whether you received a strike or not.
If your account gains a certain amount of strikes, all content that you have posted to the Plaza will be removed, and you will be banned from posting any new overlays or scenes.
Pixel Chat has Zero Tolerance for any discriminatory, or NSFW content on the Plaza, and will not hesitate to remove it and strike your account if it is discovered.
Although content you post is put on the Plaza immediately, every single thing posted is manually reviewed by a staff member of community helper. We allow content to be posted immediately because we want the experience to be fast and good for everyone, however if this is abused, we will not hesitate to require manual review on every item BEFORE it is posted. Basically, please keep your content in mind when posting it, don't break the rules, and everyone can have a good time.
Last updated